Like a woman in the labour room with her expectant husband at the balcony anxiously awaiting announcement of the arrival of his bundle of joy, or a football team in a keen contest to qualify her nation for a prestigious international competition, so were hearts panting and gasping as we were expecting results of the 2024 TalentSpark Mathematics Competition held on November 28, 2024 with a Prize/Award Giving Ceremony on December 6, 2024.
TalentSpark STEM Competitions are uniquely designed to nurture and develop the interest of children in the STEM related fields, foster critical thinking, and encourage healthy competition among schools for academic excellence. For the 2024 edition, twenty-three (23) primary and secondary schools in Magboro were invited for the competition with a total of 102 contestants, and Bulwark Schools emerged winners of the competition.
The Chairman, Mr Nwaobi, who believed there will always be winners and losers in every competition admonished every contestant, that in TalentSpark Competitions, there are no losers because every knowledge, experience and exposure contribute to forming the learning curve of learners. Contestants were, therefore, charged to capitalise on the exposure received and challenge themselves as they prepare for the 2025 edition.
He urged educators to always remember the words of Frederick Douglass, who once said, “it is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men”. He challenged teachers to make deliberate efforts to train children to become better versions of themselves. In his words, “we must not be part of those who blame government for everything while we do nothing.” If educators can teach children to study harder, ignite consciousness in them to avoid short-cuts to success, as well as encourage them to avoid all forms of examination malpractices early in life, schools would have succeeded in training children to develop excellent value systems that will impact our society and government positively.
In conclusion, he reminded teachers that what they do with the children placed in their care today will determine the kind of leaders we will have tomorrow – a clarion call indeed for us all to answer.
The ceremony ended with winners going home with cash gifts, certificates, plaques for their schools, and lunch packs.
Congratulations to Bulwark Schools on emerging as the 2024 TalentSpark Mathematics Champions. More grease!

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March 2025



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