Our History

Our History

Bulwark Schools is a registered and approved private school, established to provide children, from pre-school all through to post-secondary school levels with, a robust intellectual foundation for principled leadership and a secured future.

Founded in 2013 as the brainchild of seasoned administrators whose passion for godliness, excellence and uprightness is unending, Bulwark Schools commenced operation in October 2014. The school is government approved and accredited by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) and the National Examinations Council (NECO).


We are located on a wide expanse of land in the serene community of Makogi, Magboro in the Obafemi-Owode Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. The aesthetic ambience of the school is endearing and makes learning fun.

To raise global leaders that will fulfil divine purposes and enrich our world.

To provide a broad-based and balanced education which empowers our children and youths to become future global leaders who are patriotic, upright, confident, disciplined and prepared for an enriching service to our world.

  • Best: We painstakingly bring out the best in our children by challenging the status quo through expertise, setting high standards in our work and teaching techniques.
  • Excellence: We strive to surpass expectations and to be the best in all that we do by never losing sight of our commitment to excellence despite challenges.
  • Service: We believe in exceptional service delivery and commitment to unleashing the potential of our children to stardom through quality teaching aided with the right technology and capable manpower.
  • Trust: We are dependable. We enthrone hard work, fairness and transparency and dethrone all forms of malpractices.
  • To provide a welcoming, pleasant, attractive, and stimulating environment, in which meaningful teaching and learning can take place.
  • To develop learning strategies that unleashes the potentials of our children to stardom, via a broad, balanced and carefully differentiated curriculum that ensures our children achieve their full potentials academically, morally, socially, physically, and spiritually irrespective of their gender and culture.
  • To ensure children develop confidence, self-esteem, independence, respect for themselves and others, and that they become active, responsible and tolerant members of the society.


Bulwark, my blessed home of excellence
Where global stars are raised
The home where Christ is the very foundation
Where I’m destined to be groomed to stardom

Oh! Bulwark School! Bulwark School!
Here I come to be moulded,
and prepared to shine as the bright star I’m created to be,
It’ll take hard work of studying, diligence, and discipline
Oh God! Help me! A Bulwark indeed to be. Bulwark!!

Hail the God of creation – Our Bulwark, fortress, and refuge
Hail the King of Glory
Who has given us dreams that will come true in our lives,
Who is building our world, to enviable heights, a day at a time
Hail the King of Glory, who has made us pillars the world will reckon with.

It’ll take hard-work, dedication, diligence to get there
But with God our side, we are ready to go all the way
Hail the King of Glory, for the hope of lightening the globe again through us

For we are ready to study and be worthy examples for others to follow
Lord, make us instruments of change for our world need such even today
Lord! God of mercy, your grace we need, for without you we can do nothing

Oh! Hail Bulwark – my home where global stars are raised!
Oh Hail!

I am a Bulwark
I pledge to remain a bulwark
A bulwark to my family, school, nation, and the globe,
through knowledge acquisition and academic prowess.
Bulwark means security, protection, shield and defence.
I pledge to love my school and honour my teachers
As they painstakingly unleash the potentials in me to stardom
So, help me God.




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